Leonard - 团队介绍 - ILC·学都英语 | 专注全封闭成人英语训练23年品牌


广州国际语言培训中心    2025-03-12

—  Leonard老师的英语自述  —

Here is a little about me. I got my English name Leonard during my university years as an English major in 2003, focusing on English Linguistics and Literature. I was not in fact named after the slightly more famous leading role in The Big Bang Theory, which was initially broadcasted in 2007. It was in March 2008 that I started my teaching career in Guangzhou International Language Training Center, a.k.a. ILC, which has been actively involved in the intensive English full-time training field for approximately two and a half decades. For the past few years, I have been helping mostly adults and teenagers with both practical English skills and exam-oriented competence. I also used to work as an amateur reporter for Chinadaily and a freelance translator in a hospital. I am addicted to all kinds of sound, so listening to the radio turns out to be my favorite time killer. 


—  Leonard老师的资历简介  —

我校全职教师Leonard是英语语言学及语用学专业毕业,英语专业八级,第二届“有道词典”英语大赛全国30强,美国TOEFL托福考试官方认证培训师,广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院“中国时政话语翻译工作坊”学员,美国国家地理学习 National Geographic Learning 英语教师工作坊学员,曾任Chinadaily《中国日报》英语报社通讯员,多次在学报及英语报刊发表英语论文及文章。





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